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no spend; wins again!

February 13th, 2006 at 08:28 pm

Yes, another no spend day, unless I count the utilities I'm using here at home.
All the meals are from leftovers over the week end. BBQ beef for lunch & Chinese food tonight with the leftover chicken. Encore meals, as I've learned from the group here. I've got plenty of the BBQ beef, made from leftover put some meals in the freezer too. With my new freezer section in the kitchen, all my ready to go meals are in there, so no more digging around in the big freezer for these dabs of things.
Still waiting for the Feb checks to finish coming in. I think I can count on all of them by the 15th of each month....but it will probably be another couple months til I know for sure.
Half done with the first baby blanket & will have enough yarn to make a matching hat for each set. I'm absolutely no good at estimating the yarn I need for projects. Sewing I can do...........but yarn for some reason, escapes me. I'll have to come up with a pattern or two that uses up the leftovers.
I've decided to add hand knit/crochet items to my booth at the antique mall, they approved, as long as the things are hand made; new is OK. This should help fix my problem of too much time on my hands too!!

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