Home > a weeks worth of pancakes

a weeks worth of pancakes

January 29th, 2006 at 05:44 pm

I made pancakes this AM for the bunch & found out I was all out of my pre measured sacks of dry ingredients for, I just finished up 7 of them for the cupboard. What a time saver that is. I can be half asleep & still make pancakes!! Refuse to pay someone else to measure out the dry ingredients for me!!! These taste better anyway. I would love to experiment with different flavors & add ins, but the kids are stuck with choc chip & we just alternate. Boring for the cook! I did sneak in an apple cinnamon day when I had a dab of applesauce leftover!
Roast in the crock pot with tons of garlic, the house is going to smell great soon....... Home made split pea soup thawing out for kids lunch. So, again, all 3 meals from scratch....and we'll have plenty of the roast beef for several other meals this week.
I read other posts here & am struck by how many people eat out so often. Makes me realize how much money I'm saving by cooking at home.
I discovered this AM I have a secret weapon re; electricity used here....... the autistic young man that lives here is obsessing lately about turning out the lights. (I've got the energy saving bulbs anyway) He does a few other things obsessively too that drive me nuts, but I decided to be grateful today about the lighting!
I have some outdoor lighting to switch to the new bulbs, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the fixture apart to get to the light bulb. They are all on timers too.......which is good I guess, but so far, I can't figure out how to turn the lights on & have them stay on....there are some times I would love to do that! Will have to move outdoor lighting to my February TO DO list. I loved someones post here that picked one thing to focus on for each month..........that will be my February focus. Outdoor lights! I've got several big flood lights too, on timers, but I don't know if they have replacements that would be more energy efficient, will have to research.
The idea of being proactive re; my finances has really taken hold with me. I'm an avid list maker, love to research & am addicted to seeing progress in paying bills off.
Here's to another no spending day!!

1 Responses to “a weeks worth of pancakes”

  1. jodi_m Says:

    A few months ago I made pancakes from scratch for the first time when we were out of mix. They were SO good and SO easy! I don't think I will ever go back to using mixes Smile I like your idea of mixing up the dry ingredients beforehand.

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