Home > dead cow as landscaping?

dead cow as landscaping?

April 10th, 2006 at 04:31 am

Yes, the neighbors dead cow is still in the field. Still draped with the blue tarp. This is going to get gross pretty darned soon. I am so thankful it is raining here.

I did some research today, found out WA state has a law saying dead livestock must be properly disposed of within 24 hours. Gads, we're going on 48+ at this point. The difficulty is, no govt offices are open until tomorrow.

On a totally different topic........I've been thinking of mentioning this site to a couple friends, but haven't. (and keeping my mouth shut isn't one of my best skills) I'm enjoying having a confidential place to track progress, or lack of, in addition to letting my ideas form and finally gell.

I have considered myself fairly open & honest, but there is no way I would share the things I write here with any of my local friends. So, they are out of luck. I did share with my mom, absolutely sure she will never visit the site. (although, she sure wants me to ask questions for her, giving her feedback from the group)

RE; my mom, or parents in general. I'm wondering if anyone else is in a position to be inheriting from parents, and including that in your retirement plans? I've worked for years with my parents, & now my mom.......setting up a trust and working on their finances with them. Don't get me wrong, I'd trade anything to have my dad alive again......and I'm not counting the days til mom dies; but.........the thought does cross my mind about the estate they have been able to put together........

A no spend day today........staying home will do that! But, I have no trouble not spending money; it's easier for me than spending it.

5 Responses to “dead cow as landscaping?”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    I can't believe that cow is still there!!!

    My parents wont have anything to leave for me. Hopefully we're a long ways from that point though! They're only 57 and 59, although my dad has had a triple bypass. All of a sudden he aged.

  2. Somerlyn Says:

    My parents won't have much to leave, God Bless them, they are using what they saved to have the life they always wanted. My Mother-in-law is in a home. She has a sizeable estate but no tust, my Father-in-law didn't believe in all that. We are still going to court after his passing a couple of years ago.

  3. Says:

    We'll inherit money from my dad and my mil. I'm with you...I'm certainly not counting the days or wishing ill on either of them, but I am aware of what they have and what we would most likely receive.

    But I don't count on it as part of my future planning for this reason: When FIL was ill, he needed to go into the hospital for several months. He needed both a respirator and dialysis, and so could not be cared for at home (which is what we had planned). Had he not passed when he did, he would have been sent to a nursing home within the month. The daily rate for that level of care (dialysis + respirator) was in the neighborhood of $700 PER DAY!! Even with long-term care insurance (which he didn't have), mil would have had to pay a few hundred dollars per day out of pocket. The amount of resources spouses are able to keep in this situation is paltry, and she would have been impoverished within a few months. What an eye opener!

    Sorry for the long response, but that's what made me really rethink counting on inheritances...

  4. lrjohnson Says:

    I don't think I will get any kind of inheritance. My dad did good retirement planning I think, but I think he's made some pretty admirable plans to spend it (world travle, and provding for a younger wife if he dies first.) My feeling truly is, what he got is his, so I'm happy for hi,m to spend spend spend. If a parent does super well and can leave some, cool, but I'd be sad if a parent lived smaller to leave more to me. In Medi-Cal I too often see kids try to protect future inheritances-they don't want parents to spend on medical care when that money was meant to leave in a will. I am happy for you that at some hopefully much later point you will have an inheritance!

  5. contrary1 Says:

    My parents just made great decisions, teaching all the way.........hopefully I soaked up some of their smarts. They even have had long term care insurance before it was really a popular thing. (could have had something to do with me working in nursing homes for so many years!!) We used it with Dad in a nursing home for 10 months.......Still had to pay privately for what it didn't cover. But, Mom is still sitting pretty well off. I think that has to do with her frugal ways........... She still prefers her clothesline and making everything from scratch, lights off her wood stove rather than turn up the thermostat. None of this from need, but these days.........the wood she is burning is still stuff my dad cut and stacked, even 5 years later. (they really believed in planning ahead & stocking up)

    I have just been pondering all this......... as my mom gets older & our conversations are getting more honest all the time. We end up discussing things like our wishes for our estates, funerals, etc. It is just an odd time of life for me. But, then in the next breath, we're talking about a possible trip to Italy together in the fall...... so, she can spend too! I'm just so glad they managed things well enough she is so content now. I see a couple of her friends really having to scrimp their $$.

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