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Getting rich quick???

March 17th, 2006 at 04:57 am

I finally received my first paid survey! A whopping $2.00 too. Smile Good thing I can see the big picture here & am not counting on my survey income to support the household! (I did mention, just yesterday, that I was thinking of other ways to pay the bills here, come June!! Maybe surveys' are the answer??)

Listed 8 more books on Have approx 12 on now, have sold 1. Not a get rich quick deal either, better not count on this for June either??

Did get the first cash handed over re; the new rental payment plan I worked out here at the house. Pretty nice to see it so soon after we talked. This person has been staying here rent free for decades. Used to help instead of paying rent, but since Oct, no help AND no rent. Feels so much better to me with her paying her way, this could be something to offset the expenses now......and in June.

Rent for pasture late: Due on the 12th, tenant is out of town now til payment will be a week late at least. This one is going to continue, these folks are HAPPY with the property & where their horses are, so I can feel OK about counting on their $$ each month, even if it isn't on time.

A no $pend day. Only my 3rd for the month. I did sign up for a Sharebuilder account, but the money won't come out of my bank until next week. I scheduled it to be withdrawn after all my checks come in for the month.

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